Mystery Blogger Award. 

Hey everyone and welcome back! Today I was having an AWFUL day at work. It was just so hot and everyone sucked. But then I opened up my phone and noticed I was nominated for the Mystery Blogger Award. Sorry if I word this wrong I’ve never done this before!😍

Thank you to Stephanie for nominating me and thank you to Erin for creating this! 
Okay first up is the rules;

• Put the award logo in your blog.

 • Post the rules.

 • Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.

 • Mention the creator of the award and provide a link to their blog too.

 • Tell your readers three things about yourself.

 • Nominate 10-20 people for the same award.

 • Notify the nominees by commenting on their blog.

 • Ask your nominees 5 questions of your choice with one weird/funny question.

 • Provide links to your 5 best posts.
Ahhh 3 things about me…. I’m so bad at this.

1. I love going for walks in the morning. There is just something about the fresh crisp morning air and starting your day off with a sunrise. I work mornings so I don’t get to do this often but when I do I feel like all my stress disappears.

2. Im the type of person that is constantly over thinking. Even if it’s the smallest thing. Sometimes it’s very annoying because I always think of the worse things and get my emotions in a twist.

3. I’ve been to 3 big places Ottawa, Toronto and Chicago.  And that is literally it. I would love to travel more especially to Ireland but I get very nervous about planes so I only travel where I can take a train.

 Okay okay okay. Now on to Stephanie’s questions.

1. What aesthetics and trends do you love to follow and recreate and why do you love them so much? An aesthetic I love is painting (idk if I’m even answering this right, stay with me) I can just put whatever I love, or what I’m feeling onto a canvas. I don’t think I follow any trends really. I learned from that blackhead peel off trend. NOPE

2. If you had the opportunity to travel to outer space would you? A part of me wants to scream YESSSS! Because I’m thinking of the beautiful planets and stars and galaxy things. But then me being an over thinker is saying HECK NO. I don’t really know what’s out there and that terrifies me. Same with the whole space suit oxygen thing. Do you even see the stars? Is it just black out there?

3. Which makeup brands packaging do you love the most? I love the Heart Of Gold Elixir packaging the most. I posted a picture in a post I will mention later on.

4. Favourite song at the moment? Not one for top40 music but I can’t stop bopping my head to No Promises. Or is it promises?

5. What was your first high end makeup purchase? My first high end makeup purchase was definitely a Naked Eyeshadow pallet.

 Now here’s 5 links to my favourite post!

August Ipsy Glam Bag
Grey Hair?!
Look of the Day
People I nominate:

The Beauty Stage
     My 5 questions for you!

1. What’s the one makeup item you cannot live without?

2. Do you have any “every day rituals” if so what?

3.What’s your favourite snack of all time?

4.  How many countries have you visited?

5. What are you most thankful for.

This was a blast thank you so much again!

           Love Chels xx

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